Nimona The Musical Part 1
A "Nimona"-inspired musical board featuring Ballister and Nimona escapes from the guards who are seeking them.
Music "Keep the Beat" Song by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Ynairaly Simo
A Messy Date
A story about an awkward date between a Lion and a Fox.
Magic Child Transformation Sequence
Storyboard Project for Lanark Production

Batman & Superman - Enemies and Allies (Audio Book)

"PAINT IT!" Thesis Film StoryBoards - Directed by Jenny Yi
"PAINT IT!" Final Battle
A music video Final action battle as Star breaks free and fights back to defeat Ths Screen.
Later half Storyboard by Robin Insigne, Storyboard revision by Jenny Yi
Music “Sinner” by Milknhunni

"PAINT IT!" Montage
A silly montage of Star and her pet pigeon trying to vandalize without being caught by the robots.
Music"Where's My Money"by Milknhunni
"PAINT IT!" Short Film Story Beat Boards

Story Beat BoardsÂ

"How To Train Your Dragon" - Imperfect Harmony
The Dragon Riders discover a lush island that turns out to be the home of the Deathsong, a massive dragon that threatens to trap them forever.
Taken from the script of Dragons: Race to the Edge (s1e3). Completed as a personal sample; not used in production.

"Comic Sequence"
comic page from New 52 Batman/Superman issue#3

"The Heart Of Gold"Story Beat Boards